Tobias Eger

Church musician Tobias Eger has been conducting the university choir since 2008. He studied flute at the University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig. He worked as flautist in the "Orchester der Städtischen Bühnen Magdeburg" from 1982-1988 and then taught flute, recorder, and piano at the music school Geislingen/Steige.

Since then he has been increasingly active as organist and choral conductor for sacred music. He pursued advanced studies at the university of church music and intensified his work in chamber music, conducting numerous concerts with the Central German Chamber Orchestra in Germany and abroad.

He became church musician at St. Bartholomew's Church in Zerbst/Anhalt as well as district church music warden of the Zerbst church district in 1996 and passionately fulfills both rules to this day. In 2006 he was awarded the culture prize of the Anhalt/Zerbst district, recognizing also his many concert tours to, among others, Poland, England, Belgium, Russia, Israel, and the Baltics.


Tobias Eger

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